Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is Ultralight Hiking? Why should I Hike Light?

The answer ultralight hikers would give is: It 'more fun. Lightweight backpackers usually say they do not hesitate to contact with nature and do not enjoy using the weight of a heavy backpack.

Easy walks in the rule is not "almost Packaging" or how many kilometers as possible. It's walk at the pace you like and enjoy much more. The simplicity of the ultra-light hiking, you can spend more time on the track to see more of the beauties of nature. And the lighter weightmeans that you end up even higher mileage days and feeling more rested. Packing lighter weights you feet and legs with a lot less muscle aches and fatigue.

Digital Pocket Scale

Many people are forced to read packages based on age or injury, but more and more young backpackers to discover the meaning of freedom lighter packages. Long-distance hikers often begin with their luggage "old" heavy, but are rapidly converted to the joys of hiking easy for the first few days on the trail. WeekendHikers can recover from heavy loads, but hikers should plan better.

Weekend hikers could also learn from the experiences of others. It makes sense that you have your excursion more fun if you wear less. Remember the freedom you feel with a pack a day. Then think about the weight you normally wear when hiking and camping for a night or more. Do not wander too close to this weight a day if you are on long walks?

All backpackers interestedComfort, safety and cost of equipment. Which is not to have to stop them from walking easier. The switch to a lighter piece of equipment might seem like a compromise in terms of comfort, but most changes are easy to make and require a waiver of any comfort at all. For example, you can bring a pocket boxcutter weighs 5 grams. A mere 5 ounces does not seem like a murderess on the back of itself is not. But it is likely that you are not using the knife to all the really difficult problems, so why not wearquality knife that weighs less than a gram?

With a small change that is more easily and without loss of comfort, and you have less volume. And if you reduce the volume and weight, it helps to work in their final effort to make your way to the most lightweight and affordable package. A small parcel without a frame, it is more comfortable to wear in a tent. And a small package makes it easier, any item you are looking for.

There is no need to compromise the security to pack light. One ofThe first things you notice with heavy luggage, it is much more flexible. They are less likely to roll and ankle or resulting from the balance and fall. You can move quickly, protected areas, if threatening weather.

Some lighter items actually cost less than their heavier counterparts. The package may be cheaper, because it is a smaller version of a series. Things like the 'knife compass, flashlight and stove are the smaller less expensive, but fully functional versions. Much of theWeight reduction plan is just to leave home. A good example is the set of cooking. You can use the kettle to heat water for your meals so that there is no need to take the pan and the plate. Has been reduced by more than half the weight of its own for him to leave the house.

All of this brings up the core of lightweight backpack. It can be tedious for those who love to create lists or technical details. But most of the changes that you make thingsOnly once. Since then, enjoy the benefits of every little change. Even the box to store your equipment at home will be smaller and simpler.

Planning helps last-minute packing, too. Often, these things that you can take before you go home, leave your clothes unnecessary to add extra pounds to your pack.

There will be some costs to make these changes, but you can enjoy the benefits forever. For some it may be a real savings, because the firstis what you should do, stop buying "cool" things you do not really need. It 'easy to store and access elements using a backpack, go to run a 70 pound pack. Resist the temptation! No more impulse buying.

Most backpackers have more weight because they use equipment, the manufacturer of "bomb proof". That sounds good because it sounds safer. But these heavy materials are usually there because the companies do not always see around, and hikers,are ridiculously hard on their equipment. So it's easier, the supply of heavy materials, which can not break. And some of these heavier materials are cheaper because they are more common.

All lightweight backpackers will tell you the biggest savings on the three heavier elements can be produced - backpack, tent and sleeping bag. We often hear people talk about their trip the light "system." They use this term because it all to work together. Can not pack a lot of mass in a smallPack. To get the most benefit if you reduce your tent and sleeping bag in weight and volume when you select the new package. If you choose the package, you do not buy in high volume. Feel the need to fill it. On the contrary, to maintain the need to reduce weight and volume.

Packaging is an element in which backpackers have a variety of individual needs and likes. Try the light, that the characteristics that you want to find. After ordering your backpack, fill it with gear and walkto see if you have the right fit. There are packs weigh 1-2 pounds. For the lightest backpacking, you can also find a package that is less than a kilo.

Most hikers carry a sleeping bag that is too high for the summer. Since they have acquired for the wrong conditions, has a lot of weight for long walks and at the end of roasting it in his pocket on most nights. You can use a sleeping bag that is comfortable to 35 degrees and weighs only 1 € or one thatgood at 20 degrees and it is only 1 pound 10 ounces. Sleeping bags are lighter and compresses better than synthetic bags. Do not avoid pockets, why not stop working when wet. All bags are unhappy when they are wet. Only you will increase your competence in the sense of the bag dry. Bags of quality to have very close links which are very resistant to moisture.

There are a variety of tents and tarpaulins that your accommodation can reduce the weight of £ 01:59. With less£ 2 you can enjoy the full protection from bugs and rain. So, your "big three" of the package bag, tent and sleeping weigh 4-5 pounds. Add a lightweight stove, rain gear and a springboard for a light sleeper, and the total weight of the six most important points is still less than the old 7-pound pack! What would inspire a sufficient incentive for every backpacker.

As you lift your foot with each step, wearing jogging shoes save more energy than any other element. Experimentwith a pair that fit well and good arch your support. You have to think not coincidentally, you need a pair of boots, because the trips. Lighter loads to reduce the chances of severe ankle sprains. A distortion in boots can give you a high ankle sprain, which is worse than a distortion in running shoes. When it's hot, you do not need waterproof shoes. Regular running shoes dry fast and breathe better to stream crossings. In the wetlands and fresh seasons, could be a couplelightweight hiking shoes (no shoes), which are waterproof.

Calculate the weight of the clothes too. It's part of what you wear. Synthetic clothing is easier and faster because it dries, it is safer.

Water is vital if you go hiking, but there is very liquid and less weight to carefully read the map and know where the nearest water.

Start your flash charge by the spread of the contents of the package in front of you. Take a pad and penciland you start Notes. What is too heavy? What is too much for the summer? What can you stay home? Remove small items, too. Where to buy the fastest, easiest to change? Where is the fastest, most cost effective changes? You can make a big difference if you save a lot of emphasis on small pieces of equipment. Consider buying an inexpensive digital scale that weighs 1 / 10 ounce increments. Seeing the actual numbers will be an eye opener. If you are 30 pounds or more, you can cutTheir weight by more than half the performance! And you can do it in comfort. This is a fun adventure.

Light hiking it back to the essence of the pack - easy, carefree trip outdoors.

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